Allergy-Safe Play Dough

Allergy Friendly + Gluten Free + Vegan


1 1/2 cups of play-dough

Prep Time: 

10 minutes plus 50 minutes inactive

Cook Time: 

10 minutes



Many store bought and homemade play doughs are not allergy friendly. For little kids who are still tempted to put things in their mouth, we've created a safer play dough that allows every child to explore their creativity.



1 cup Hungry Harry’s All-Purpose Flour Blend 

1 cup water

2 teaspoons cream of tartar

⅓ cup salt

1 tablespoon oil of choice

Allergy-friendly food coloring


How To:

1. Add all ingredients to a medium-sized saucepan and combine with a spoon.
2. Place the saucepan on the stove and heat on low to Medium, stirring constantly.
3. Once the mixture begins to thicken, add your allergy-friendly food coloring and continue to stir until the mixture is no longer wet, thick, or sticking to the edges of your spoon.
4. Remove the play dough from heat. Allow it to cool on a plate or on a sheet of wax-paper.
5. Once cooled, knead the dough until the texture is consistent. Time to play!